Love. Change. Share.

Following Jesus is an entire life’s pursuit. It is not just an event on a Sunday but a way of life in community around the teachings of Jesus. We want to adopt the lifestyle of Jesus, to put his teachings into practice in all aspects of our lives. So thats we are transformed from the inside out.

Midweek Gatherings

Midweek groups are an opportunity to gather together in community to shape each other to be the people of Jesus in our streets, neighbourhoods and workplaces. We want to encourage each other to be with Jesus, become like him, do the stuff he did and help each other do the same. We gather on alternate Tuesdays and Thursdays to read scripture, encourage each other and pray together.

People of Praise

We gather to share a meal and communion and have extended times of worship. We want to create spaces to encounter God and build a culture of passionate praise.

People of Prayer

We gather together regularly to pray for each other, our neighbours, our church, our nation and the world. We believe that partnering with God to see his will done in our hearts and our streets starts with intimacy with Jesus.